
Episode 211: Realizing Your Untapped Potential
Living your best life may allow you to leave untapped potential unrealized.  In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share stories, ideas and quotes to help you realize the best that is in store for you in life. Realizing your greatest effort and results requires a certain mindset.  You can't be your best if you think you are limited in life as most people think.  You…
Episode 210: Designing and Realizing Your Dreams
Do you ever feel you will never change your life in a big way?  In this episode, Jimmy shares four actions to designing and reaching your dreams in life.  Hold onto your hat!  These actions are powerful, yet simple.  The key is to put one foot in front of the other and start working toward the dreams you desire. You will gain insight into: Why…
Episode 209: Growth = Grace + Grind
Are you growing in your career, wealth and mindset?  Have you given yourself grace in times where you didn't live up to your own principles?  In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share their thoughts and ideas on how you can achieve desired growth in all aspects of life - including your wealth! Episode Keys: Why you must learn to extend grace to yourself to truly…
Episode 208: Be Prepared
Are you prepared if a catastrophic event were to occur in your family? In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share planning tips learning tips to help you become more confident about your future and the protection of your family in the event of disaster striking. You will gain insight into: Why it is critical that you communicate your plan, location of assets and other vital…
Episode 207: Change Your Philosophy, Change the World
Do you ever wish you could change the world in a powerfully positive manner? You can! In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share strategies and ideas to help you become the change agent you wish to be. Episode Keys: Why it is important to show up each day as your best you! How your philosophy of life can be enhanced to create a following in life.…
Episode 206: Building Your Personal Brand
Do you desire to grow your influence and gain market share for your business?  Personal and business branding are the methods of attracting your ideal client! In this episode Jimmy interviews Lindsey Wilkins, podcaster, branding expert and entrepreneur to understand her methods for creating, utilizing and growing her business through branding and marketing. You will gain insight into: The important distinction between marketing and sales!…
Episode 205: Creating Habits That Change Your Life
Podcast Transcript LF:Have you ever given any thought to some of the things that you think are important, but you don't really realize they're important? Yes, that's what I'm talking about. In a weird, roundabout way this morning. I'm talking about habits - good, bad, and ugly. This morning, we're gonna give you some opportunities to learn about seven key things that you can do…
Episode 204: Achieving Financial Freedom
Do you ever dream of financial freedom?  In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share strategies, tactics and true stories of others who started with very little except desire and willpower to ultimately live a life of financial freedom. Episode Keys: One of the easiest methods of accumulating assets for a lifetime of personal freedom. How a janitor accumulated more than $8MM throughout his lifetime to…
Episode 203: Three Money Habits Grade School Should Have Taught You
Stop what you are doing as you plan to listen to this episode. Think back on your life recalling the places and activities you learned some of the most impactful lessons and life philosophies. In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share some of the their most powerful life lessons and where these impactful stories were discovered. You will be surprised! Episode Keys: How lessons can be learned in…
Episode 202: Three Money Questions to Ask Your Partner
Lori and Jimmy tackle difficult questions that must be asked of your life partner to create a bond of trust.  These questions are not new, but how you pose the questions and the proper attitude in which the discussion is held make a tremendous difference in the outcomes. A little humor, a lot of fun, and serious business, all rolled into one episode will help…

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