
Episode 190: Lessons Learned in 2022
How do you learn from your past?  What lessons have you learned in 2022 to empower you to become bigger, better and bolder you in 2023?  In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share some of their most impactful lessons learned in 2022. Episode Keys The importance of being self-aware to help you grow by learning from your actions and mistakes. Why it is critical that…
Episode 189: Your Future Self:  Purpose, Passion and Productivity
Do you ever think about your future self? What type of person do you wish to be to your family, your employer, your community or your friends? In this episode, Jimmy shares his approach to achieving his life growth plans and how you can do the same. Episode Keys Why living your philosophies can become a powerful motivator in your interactions with others. How to reflect…
Episode 188: International Leadership: From the Bayou to the Big City
Barry Melancon Do you ever wonder how someone with similar background and beginnings as you can achieve leadership at an international organization?   In this episode Jimmy interviews Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA, the CEO of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants to learn his approach to leading the organization. Episode Keys: How you can leverage your capabilities by assembling a great team to help implement…
Episode 187: Four Rules to Live a Better Life
Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you had a more structured life?  In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share their special rules of life that give them the greatest opportunity for abundant living. Episode Keys: Why placing lifestyle rules for you to maintain more consistency in life is the foundation for abundance. How your outcomes can be heightened to a…
Episode 186: Being Thankful During Times of Adversity
Do you ever wonder why some people who are more thankful seem more happy than you? In this episode, Lori, Ashley, and Jimmy share their favorite ideas for being and remaining a more thankful person. Episode Keys: Ashley finds her peace during the day when the winds of disruption are blowing violently! Why it is vital that you control your emotions and feed your mind…
Episode 185: Finding Courage
Do you ever wonder why others are courageous in times of adversity and you aren't? In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share three tactics that help them find the strength to move forward during times of adversity. You will gain insight into: Why its important that you face your greatest fears to grow in courage. When you should do something that scares you! How to…
Episode 184: Getting Naked in Life
Do you ever wonder how seem people make relationship formation and sustainability look so easy?  Do you struggle with introductions in large groups?  In this episode, Lori and Jimmy share three qualities that you can use immediately to form new relationships and enhance existing ones. Episode Keys Establishing deep, personal and rewarding relationships with people who help you grow as a person. Why you should…
Episode 183: Balancing Health in All Forms
Do you ever feel the world is standing on your shoulders? The pressures of life and day-to-day activities can cause us to feel overwhelmed. Your mental health is as important as the other facets of life. In this episode Jimmy interview Myra Mabray, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor to learn the practical steps we can take to maintain a better…
Episode 182: Become the CEO of…YOU!
Are you CEO capable? Of course! We all have talents and strengths that, if used effectively, could provide great leadership to any organization. In this episode Jimmy shares his three strengths, based on StrengthFinders 2.0 Evaluation, and how you can become the CEO of YOU. You will gain insight into: Why it is vital to truly understand how you think and function to gain the greatest outcomes in…
Episode 181: Gaining True PoWER in Life
Do you ever wish you had greater power of control in your life?  In this episode, Jimmy shares his daily process to gain control of his mind, body, emotions, and spirit that gives him the power of growth in life. Episode Keys How to gain control over your focus, body, mind and spirit with a simple system developed by Jimmy.When you should record your day's events…

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