Live A Life By Design Blog

Time is Running Out!

Timing is Everything

Time is the one facet we humans can’t command in life. You may attempt to manage it, schedule it or even slow it down but you can never make time work to your will and wishes. In that similar regard, the Internal Revenue Code, which is the law guiding the assessment, reporting and payment of […]

Woman on couch with laptop and headphones


It seems as though a “Help Wanted” sign is hanging in the window of every other place of business these days. I hear the phrase, “nobody wants to work,” a lot as well. On the other hand, I also hear the phrase, “there are no good jobs available.” Did you catch the keyword? “Good jobs.” […]

Prudent Steps to a Secure Future

Our world is experiencing disruption on a global basis. War in Ukraine, inflation at a 40 year high, gasoline prices reflect the 70s, and continued impact of a rampant virus. Have you had enough? Yes, me too. However, my father taught me that words are cheap and action is riches. This was his statement to, […]

Market Volatility

Buy or Sell?

Life has a way of keeping things interesting. After a long cycle of bull returns, the time for profit-taking has arrived. This is the process of capturing the gains in the investments that have performed well. I will explore some of the factors that are currently active in the economy, the markets and what you […]

handing in a letter (blank)

The Millennial Perspective: Know Your Worth

What makes a good manager and leader? There are plenty of different answers to that question depending on who you ask. Our 6th United States President, John Quincy Adams, once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” I could not agree more.  […]

puppy looking lie its laughing

The Best Medicine

One of the most effective medicines is becoming less available in the world. This formula for curing many of today’s illnesses such as depression, cancer and other potentially debilitating diseases has been around for a millennium and, most recently, has become a valued, yet limited, approach to healing. You may be wondering what powerful drug […]


Inflation Perspective

If you are living in the United States at this moment and have purchased any food, gasoline, household goods or clothing in the past month, you have noticed an increase in the cost of these items. This unanticipated increase in pricing is due to inflation. The definition of inflation is the increase of demand for […]

red gift box with gold ribbon

Bringing Clarity to Gift Taxes

Many of us have worked extremely hard in life to accumulate a substantial amount of assets to fund our future retirement. The younger generation is buying homes, attending college, and beginning their lives in a way they had been accustomed from their parents. However, in the words of the great songwriter, Bob Dylan, “these times […]

Planning notebook

The Millennial Perspective: Planning Ahead

Disruption can arise at any moment and oftentimes there is nothing we can do to avoid it from happening. There has been a lot of disruption in the last two years and it has left countless people jobless, on unemployment, or sent home for a few weeks to recover from COVID-19. With the most recent […]

looking at stock on phone

Three Steps to Reduce Risk In Your Portfolio

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if you could predictably earn 8% returns on your portfolio every year and only invest in certificates of deposit? Of course! One problem with this thinking is that you wouldn’t live in the United States of America and the dollar would be worthless. You face some type of […]