What Is Causing All of the Market Volatility?

Have you noticed your retirement portfolio activity looking like a bad EKG? Market fluctuations have been extreme the past few months. This type of market experience is a test of your investment philosophy and willingness to “stick with your approach”. 

Many different factors create market volatility. One area that causes market concerns is the geopolitical risks faced by investors. This type of risk is controlled by policy of the U.S. Government and its leaders. The impact of geopolitical risks can be significant to our economy such as the tariffs currently imposed on a few of our trading partners. These countries have maintained a rather fluid trading program with our country and, due to the recently imposed tariffs, the cost of goods flowing from these countries to the U.S. are much higher. The purpose of the tariff is to persuade the trading partner to amend trade agreements on a more equitable basis. For example, the U.S. imports a significant number of consumer products that are considered necessities for Americans (i.e., electronics, appliances, clothing, etc.).

By forcing tariffs on the imported goods, Americans will consider alternatives that may be produced in the U.S. or another country that is not, currently, burdened with a tariff. Too often trading agreements become one-sided or inequitable. This simply means that we are importing far more in foreign goods than we are exporting to our trading partners’ countries. An imbalance results from this these transactions called a trade deficit. The role of the current policy makers in the U.S. is to create a balance of trade (i.e., our imports equal exports).

A concerted effort by the U.S. Congress and President determine the fiscal policy of our nation. This policy is primarily affected by two main tools – taxes and spending. Congress establishes, or approves, the appropriations (or spending) on various programs and it is ultimately signed by the President. Different approaches to the budget can cause significant market fluctuations. For example, if the Congress increases spending in the defense sector of our economy, the market may interpret this action to mean defense stocks could see a growth in the coming years. The inverse could be true if Congress were to reduce spending on defense. Social programs such Social Security and Medicare consumes a majority of the annual federal budget. These commitments to the participants, who are beneficiaries of the programs, are strongly defended against cuts in spending due to political will.

The Federal Reserve Board controls the monetary policy in the U.S. This regional banking system is responsible for the management of our banking processes and the supply of currency within the system. One of the most critical functions of the Federal Reserve Board is the gathering and interpretation of economic data to determine inflationary impacts on the domestic economy. Our current market conditions have created a prolonged lower interest rate environment and, coupled with the tariffs, a strong U.S. Dollar. Inflation has been relatively controlled through the efforts of the Federal Reserve Board members.

By developing a strong, long-term plan for investing to meet your goals and objectives, you should not be ruled by the recent volatility. Too often, investors react to volatility by trying to time the market. This approach could lead to a catastrophic ending for your retirement plans. If you are concerned about your current investment strategy meeting your needs, seek out a Certified Financial Planner practitioner to assist you with a “second opinion”. The only thing you have to lose is worry.

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How to Retire Worry-Free

If you are like many of our clients, prior to retiring, you are concerned about the process and ability to continue your current lifestyle after discontinuing your career. This is a valid concern and one that we address with every client considering retirement. To provide confidence and courage to initiate this important step, and truly enjoy retirement, we developed a unique process that alleviates these concerns and empowers our clients with predictability in their lives. Do you have a process to create the retirement lifestyle you desire?

First, you must develop a mental approach to retirement that is healthy. Worry will do nothing to resolve a challenge but make it feel more overwhelming that it truly is. To create confidence in your life, we assist our clients with the identification and implementation of activities that generate positive thoughts and enhance self-esteem. You are probably wondering what this step has to do with a successful retirement plan? It is the key ingredient! Thinking about others, showing gratitude and fulfilling the needs of others are the truly valuable “assets” in a person’s life. Qualitative characteristics of retirement are as critical to the process material resources. This stage of the process has nothing to do with money, budgets or investments. However, if we can help you become more confident by helping others, the process of retiring is simply a transition from focusing on your career to focusing on others in your community.

Helping others is one method of creating a worry-free retirement. Seek out those in need and create a legacy for yourself through service.

Next, we assist our clients in creating expectations for the next phase of life. To expect more income from your resources, than you properly prepared for during your accumulation years, is to set a tone of frustration for yourself. By prudently projecting reasonable returns and estimating living expenses that are realistic, you will reap the predictable, recurring and adequate lifestyle that you need to live worry-free. Many people believe it is too late to correct course on their retirement plan after the initial decisions have been made. This is not true. You can always create a better tomorrow through proper planning and executing on adjustments to create the life you desire. Your goal in retirement should be to maximize your quality of life. Life is too short to live in worry. A wise, old football coach, Leo Thurman, often offered advice to those around him. One such profound statement is:

“Son it don’t take long to live a lifetime.”

—Leo Thurman

Lastly, to mitigate worry, you must utilize a continuous monitoring system to help you manage your lifestyle and “stay on track”. Unlike the infomercial that promises you can “set it and forget it”, life is somewhat more challenging. You must adopt a mindset that anything worthwhile is going to require some input of your time, talents and resources. Don’t tackle a job without the proper tools and experience. You only get one chance to retire the first time. Seek out a Certified Financial PlannerTM practitioner that specializes in the needs and desires of retirees to help you build a plan that is sound and creates a worry-free retirement for you.

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How to Increase Your Retirement Assets in Three Steps

As we presented in the last article, we will focus, in this article, on the simple steps anyone can take to improve their retirement planning strategy. Time is of the essence. If you feel you have not saved well for retirement, by making these three simple steps a habit now, you will reap exponential benefits later.

Step One: Budget

First, review your family budget and immediately reduce the unnecessary cash outflows. These may be subscriptions to magazines never read, automatic renewals for insurance on your vehicles that are costing more than your 10-year old car is worth and those movie channels that are never watched since the kids moved out. Now, I know what you are thinking. “This isn’t that much money each month.” You are correct in the short-term sense; however, if you have more than 5 years until your desired retirement date the sum of funds can amount to a significant support for your future.

Step Two: Maximization

Second, immediately maximize your employer-provided return plan contributions. Remember, if you are age 50 or older, you may contribute an additional $6,000 per year as a “catch-up” for failing to fully fund a 401(k) plan in your younger years. The total for 2019 that you may defer from your salary is $25,000 if you at least age 50. This amount of funding for the next 5 years will add at least $125,000 (not including growth or employer matching) to your retirement funds.

If you are self-employed, review your company’s cash flow and find ways to fully fund a Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP). You may contribute up to 25% of your salary or $56,000 whichever is lower for 2019. If you were to establish your budget for accumulating the maximum amount for the next five years, you would contribute an additional $280,000 (not including market returns) for your retirement support.

Step Three: Asset Allocation

Third, review your investment asset allocation. Recent economic data reports the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Standard & Poors 500 Indices are at record highs. Do not anticipate these returns for your retirement planning. We use a phrase in planning, “Plan for the worst and hope for the best.” Your investment allocation during retirement will most likely be different than your investment strategy for the accumulation phase of your life.

Forget about the past and your lost opportunities. You can only control the present. Start today in making positive decisions and change your future. I purposely used the word “immediately” several times in this column to impart to you the importance of taking action now. By preparing a plan and following the strategy, no matter what anyone else does, you may improve your chances for a happier and better retirement.

Concerned about the adequacy of your assets for retirement? It is time to take action. Seek out the guidance of a Certified Financial PlannerTM practitioner to gain the strategies needed to live life on your own terms. You will be glad you did.

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Strategies for Filing for Medicare Benefits

One of the most complex benefits provided by the federal government is Medicare. Numerous elections that affect your lifetime benefits cause people much anxiety. You will learn when and why to file for certain benefits under the Medicare laws in this article.

While working, employers generally provide health insurance benefits for its employees. The coverages are broad and provide a level of safety for the participants. However, when a worker turns age 65, some strategies must be considered about filing for Medicare in a timely and appropriate manner.

Medicare Part A is the program that provides hospitalization coverage for in-patient care, hospice care, skilled nursing facility care and home health care. The cost for this coverage is free to individuals who have worked forty (40) quarters during their career and contributed to the system through payroll deductions. When examining your paystub, the payment for this program is deducted from your gross pay at 1.45% per pay period. All qualified individuals should file for Medicare Part A coverage upon turning age 65 regardless of employment.

If an individual continues to work beyond age 65, Medicare Part A serves as a supplemental to the person’s employer-provided group coverage if the plan covers equal to or more than 20 employees. However, if the employer plan covers fewer than 20 employees, additional research will need to be performed with your employer-plan provider. The insurance company may or may not cover your healthcare needs as the primary insurer. 

Medicare Part B is the program that provides medical insurance for out-patient care. This type of coverage will provide payment for services from your doctors, durable medical equipment costs, preventive services and home health care. The premiums for Medicare Part B are borne, partially, by every participant. For 2019, the monthly premium for Medicare Part B is $135.50. However, some participants may be required to pay an additional amount referred to as the “Part B income-related adjustment amount” if his or her modified adjusted gross income is greater than $85,000 for a single person or $170,000 for a joint filer. Modified adjusted gross income is defined as adjusted gross income plus tax-exempt interest.

One area of the Medicare Programs that many people don’t understand, or utilize appropriately, is Medicare Part D, the prescription drug coverage. Anyone that is needing prescription drugs on a regular basis for their care should consider the benefits of enrolling in Medicare Part D. There are several punitive measures for failing to enroll at your first opportunity. Many different carriers provide plans for this program and a professional should be consulted to determine which plan is most appropriate for your needs.

Medicare is a wonderful program for those qualified individuals. You don’t have to worry or wonder if you are utilizing the program to its fullest extent. Consult a CPA or Certified Financial PlannersTM practitioner to assist you in enrolling for this important coverage. For additional information about retirement benefits and strategies, please go to our Compass Capital Management Resource Center.

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Are You Confident in Managing Your Investments for the Future

One of the most frequent mistakes committed by near–retirees is to attempt to manage their own retirement assets without the appropriate background, or even worse, by listening to pundits on TV. Many people have met with us to review their current financial condition in preparation for retirement. Similar to a physician, we performed a comprehensive review of the various financial and other data to determine if these individuals’ expected course of action was possible.

After adjourning our introduction meeting, we quickly analyzed the information and determined that the goals established by many of them were not going to be realized based on their current financial condition. Generally, other important matters need urgent attention instead of their finances – most often this could be a significantly ill spouse. To provide our clients with perspective and vision toward the future, we perform our analysis and request a meeting to discuss our findings. This is a strategic review meeting and we ask the individuals to bring their spouse.

Is it plausible to believe that women and men think differently about finances? Even more critical, could a spouse’s definition of “happiness in life” differ from their mate? The answer is an emphatic “YES”! Many of the people we guide to, and through, retirement experience a different opinion from their spouses. By reconciling these opinions and providing perspective to the most important of life’s challenges, our clients find solutions that contribute to a more rewarding and enjoyable lifestyle. 

Don’t people retire to allow themselves time for those things in life that they had not been able to enjoy during their careers? Most marriages, in our experience, are not equally balanced with input from both partners in deciding financial decisions. To complicate matters, with medical advancements, it is conceivable that many people may live longer in the retirement phase of life than their career spanned! This simply means that one should be prepared for a considerable amount of time in which financial stability and consistency would provide confidence and clarity to the family.

By focusing on our clients, our goal was clear, we seek to provide a plan for retirement that addresses both spouses’ goals and guides them through retirement with practical advice that maintains their desired lifestyle. After carefully defining and understanding our clients’ risk tolerance and cash flow needs, we assist our clients in creating a retirement plan that brings smiles to both of their faces.

To simply plan for appropriate funding of retirement is not considering all the factors that may occur in life. One should always plan for contingencies. Our substantial history as CPAs and Certified Financial Planner practitioners has taught us to live by the phrase – “Plan for the worst and hope for the best”. By simply focusing on one aspect of life, you may set yourself up for some difficult days at a time in life in which you are least capable of surviving financially.

Do yourself a tremendous favor. Seek out a second opinion that your complete financial picture is, in fact, what you think you possess to live life by your design. You may learn from others’ mistakes by utilizing someone who specializes in the needs, desires and challenges of retirees. What have you got to lose? If you are financially “healthy”, wouldn’t it be a relief to know this fact? Conversely, if you knew you weren’t prepared properly for the future, this is news that would give you great confidence in life.

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How Do You Define Risk?

Danger! Danger! Red flashing lights! Sirens breaking through the still night awakening you from a deep sleep! These are simple, yet effective, methods of alerting you to risks that arise in life. Don’t you wish investment risk were that simple to alert you when you are about to face an inanimate action that has the power to destroy your life savings?

We accept certain risks in life everyday. Once you leave the safety of your bed, you may be subject to risk. Let’s focus on one type of risk – financial risk. You can control the level of risk in your financial life by taking prudent steps to minimize risk when possible. For example, if you are 80 years of age, it may be too risky to invest in a new tech startup with 50% of your retirement portfolio. If you were 24 years of age, this may be viewed more as an opportunity.

As specialists in retirement planning, we believe it is critical to properly measure and mitigate risk when possible. Many of our clients come to us with portfolios that are highly illiquid or invested in a manner that is not in their best interest. When we ask questions pertaining to their acceptable level of risk, the client will generally be moderate or conservative in their approach to investing their hard-earned money.

However, after a careful analytical analysis of their portfolio we inform them of their current investment risk level and their eyes pop open like they are watching a scene from a horror movie. To mitigate the risk, we believe several factors must be considered in their portfolio design:

  1. Consider liquidity needs
  2. Research suitable and appropriate types of investment positions
  3. Determine the tax-effect of the proposed investments
  4. Properly diversify the portfolio to control the level of risk acceptable by the client.

Simply investing the portfolio in its initial allocation does not resolve the client’s risk issues. Proper monitoring of the performance and appropriate rebalancing of the asset allocation to its original target are critical to maintaining the client’s risk level in the portfolio. The financial planning required for an advisor to fully understand the client’s long- and short-term needs and goals entails significant education, experience and knowledge of the economy.

Certified Financial Planner practitioners are professionals that maintain one of the highest credentials as a witness to their competency and ethics. Don’t risk your lifetime savings to risk. What you don’t know could truly ruin your future. Ask for a second opinion regarding your retirement portfolio. Better to find out early if there is a problem in your future.

Diversification and asset allocation strategies do not assure profit or protect against loss. Past performance is no guarantee or future results. Investing involves risk. Depending on the types of investments, there may be varying degrees of risk. Investors should be prepared to bear loass, including total loss of principal

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Living Life With Purpose

Planning for a major change in your life, such as retirement, requires a considerable amount of thought and planning. Up to this point in your life you have been contributing most of your energy, thoughts and resources to your chosen career. Your family has also played a big role in your day.

There are two important days in your life that should be given ample attention: the day you retire and the day you decide how you wish to spend the rest of your life! For many of our clients, the decision to change lifestyle from work focused to life focused is one that requires a tremendous amount of study. Can you play golf every day? Can you fish every day? How about simply sleeping in bed until noon each day?

Odds are that you are someone who needs a little more structure and the satisfaction that you are contributing to your community. Below are five strategies to help you continue to grow intellectually, spiritually and financially during retirement:

  1. Continue or start reading books. Many of the great minds of modern times attribute their knowledge, and continued growth past their active careers, to reading good books. The library has a great program for a cheap price – FREE! Yes, you can read some of the great classics by completing a library card application. What a great world we live in!
  2. Join a civic group. Man was meant to be active and provide charity to those less fortunate. Many communities have wonderful civic groups to help those in need. I am partial to the International Association of Lions Clubs. Helping others also helps you become a better person and it takes the focus of yourself.
  3. Attend the church or synagogue of your choice. Active participation and consistent attendance in spiritual worship creates a more fulfilling life. Many of our clients attend church every time the doors are opened. These individuals’ lives are more peaceful, tranquil and fulfilled due to the study of Holy Scriptures. 
  4. Become a mentor to younger professionals. One of my dearest friends serves as a mentor to younger professionals in his career field. His forty years of experience helps the younger generation of leaders make better decisions. He often tells me, “Just because you are not working for pay, doesn’t mean you quit working.” Wise words from a very wise gentleman.
  5. Keep a journal of your activities. For many years I have recorded life’s highs and lows in my journals. This activity gives my mind the opportunity to think clearly about challenges and develop solutions. Perhaps you could start a journal to leave your wise words to your family that will help them in times of need. This is a private book that you write in any manner you choose.

The key to living a successful life is to live it on your own terms. Define clearly what makes you happy. How can you help others find happiness? Don’t think of retirement as the end of a career, think of it as “reFIREment”- the start of another chapter in life.

One of my favorite roles is to help pre-retirees find their goals in the next phase of their life. If you truly want to live life to its fullest, it doesn’t simply take money. You are the secret ingredient! Go out today and change someone else’s life for the better. The one that receives the most benefit may just be you.

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Top 5 Steps to Retire with Confidence

Don’t be a follower! Too many people fail to plan properly for retirement and when it arrives – BAM!! – they don’t know what to do. This is far more common than I would like to admit. Just recently, a couple came to our office to discuss their retirement plans. Before we discussed their resources available for retirement, I simply asked, “What are your plans to keep your mind sharp, your body fit and your marriage exciting during retirement?” You could have knocked them down with a feather.

People will spend more time planning a week’s vacation than they do deciding the important factors necessary for a life in retirement that is worry-free. The reason for such a dilemma is that the reward (retirement) is far removed from their immediate gratification sensory than the next few weeks (vacation). I have a simple solution to keep your life on track to enjoy the present and plan for the future. It only involves five simple steps.

  1. Know your time. This is one asset that many people fail to recognize and, resultingly, squander aimlessly through life. Time is the only asset you can’t control. You should understand that medical advances have created a longer lifespan than we experienced in the 1970s. You may conceivably live as many years in retirement as you did in your career. Wow! That will shed some light on the importance of understanding and utilizing time as a leverage to plan for a confident retirement.
  2. Know your lifestyle. Recently, a gentleman sat down with me and informed me that he wished to retire at the age of 62 and did not want his lifestyle to change dramatically. On the surface this seems like a reasonable request of anyone wishing to retire. However, when we discussed his needs for retirement life and reviewed his resources, we discovered a significant deficit. He had not planned well and his assets to be used for funding his lifestyle after his career were inadequate to say the least. He wasn’t happy when we projected his income streams from his current assets. 
  3. Create a vision for life after work. To make a life-changing decision such as retirement, one should spend considerable time prior to retirement creating a vivid, specific plan for what the next phase of life looks like to her. What hobbies do you wish to pursue? Do you wish to travel? Where do the grandchildren live? Are you planning on locating to a state without income tax? All of these factors play a role in your life and are vital to enjoying retirement.
  4. Eliminate all indebtedness. Prior to launching into retirement, we recommend our clients eliminate or significantly reduce all indebtedness. In particular, we believe it is far less worrisome to live in a home without mortgage payments. This may require the sale of the large, family home and relocate to a smaller home or condominium with less maintenance and lower utility bills.

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Three Simple Steps to Secure Your Future

The word “retirement” sounds pretty scary to most people. The reason for this emotion is that they have failed to plan properly and lack confidence in the process. This article will provide you a simple, yet effective, roadmap to reach your retirement objectives.

First, stop thinking like everyone else when it comes to finances. Yes, it is fine to be different. You must understand that your circumstances in life are most likely different from many of your friends. Some employers support their employees in planning for their futures while others do not. Your new mindset should be that of “I will depend on no one but me for my future plans”.

Do you often wonder why the ultra wealthy have the financial security they do when they may have started life in a lesser social/fiscal position than you? Do they know a “secret” formula for success that has eluded you in life? The answer is a resounding NO. However, the ultra rich think far different than the typical person. For example, to accumulate wealth you must do this simple task: 

Invest for retirement first and then spend the rest

If you have a goal of saving ten percent of your income, place this 10% in your retirement and then plan your spending with the remaining 90% of your paycheck. For many of us this will sound very opposite than what we have been doing for our adult lives. Remember, it is OK to be different because you have different dreams and aspirations than anyone else. Don’t listen to the negative comments of the mass population who struggle from paycheck to paycheck with no change. You can make this change rather quickly and simply.

Second, learn to live within your means. This step requires you to know where each of your dollars are spent. To accomplish this, write down every penny spent for a week. Upon the conclusion of the week, categorize the areas you have spent your money and you may be startled when you become aware of where your money went! For example, “Did I really spend $32 on specialty coffee this week?!?” “Do I need all of the subscriptions that I don’t read regularly?” “How did I accumulate a bad habit, like tobacco use, that costs me $40 per week or $160 per month??”

Once you analyze your spending, you will quickly see areas you may derive savings for a better purpose – your future. The most difficult part of this process is writing everything down. To accomplish this, purchase a small notebook and carry it with you at all times. Record every penny you spend for whatever reason. Be honest with yourself. The only person to be cheated by not being honest is your future you.

Remind yourself daily, if not several times per day, the “why” for taking these measures in your life. You deserve a comfortable retirement, in terms you define, and can reach your goals with small steps performed on a daily basis. The action step to take is:

Know where your money is being spent and correct course

Lastly, Step 3 is the most impactful, powerful and simple of the steps to reach your retirement goals – measure your progress and celebrate when reaching small goals. The purpose of this step is to remember that you are on a journey and the lifetime goal is too far away to see. The best method for reassuring yourself of the progress you are achieving is to look for the next step in conquering your next challenge, not the ultimate lifetime goal. The last action step is:

Celebrate small wins frequently!

To assist you in the process of defining your roadmap for the future, you may wish to seek out a financial adviser or CPA that specializes in retirement planning. The price paid by far too many people for failing to plan is very severe. Don’t pay that price, take these simple steps today to design the future you wish to live.

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