
Episode 96: Get Organized, Gain Success!
Do you feel overwhelmed with all of the data, things, people, pictures, etc. you receive each day? The solution to your challenge is in this podcast!  In this episode, Jimmy interviews Stacey Harmon, entrepreneur, about her approach to helping people get control of their life again. By using tools that are available to everyone, you will quickly find relief within your grasp as Stacey introduces her method…
Episode 95: How to Predict Your Future
Do you ever wish you owned a crystal ball and could see what the future holds for you? In this episode, Jimmy shares several strategies and ideas to help you create the future you desire and how to eliminate the distractions that rob you of your goal achievement. Episode Keys The four-step process to implement changes in your life that will take you in the direction…
Episode 94: Self Care is Good; Soul Care is Better!
Do you ever wonder why you feel out of sync in life? To gain more confidence and grounding in life listen to this episode! Jimmy interviews Adrienne Duffy, co-founder of Big Futures, Inc. and author of the book Soul Sense. Episode Keys Learning how to know when you are out of sync and losing sight of the bigger future you are seeking.Why it is vital to your…
Episode 93: Leadership Across the Generations:  How Young Entrepreneurs are Changing Our World
Do you ever wonder how our future will look in the hands of Generation Z? In this episode Jimmy interviews Annika Van Nest, creator of Prickly Pear Coffee Bar of Nashville, Tennessee, to learn how she has been inspired to excel in her entrepreneurial dreams while remaining true to her beliefs and principles. Episode Keys The importance of knowing what you want out of life…
Episode 92: Want to Reach Your Goals? Think Moonshot!
Do you ever wonder how some people seem to find success rather quickly? In this episode, Jimmy interviews Lillian Cunningham, award-winning journalist with the Washington Post and creator of Webby Award-winning podcasts, to discover how she found success. Episode Keys Why it is important to always be “forward-thinking” as a leaderThe process of finding the “one thing” that will differentiate you from the rest of…
Episode 91: A Little Different Christmas Story
Do you struggle with finding the best types of Christmas gifts to buy? In this episode, Jimmy and Lori share stories, gift ideas, and their most important approaches to changing the lives of those you love. Episode Keys Why it is important to create and continue to share holiday traditions with your loved ones.How you can give a gift that is priceless and can't be…
Episode 90: How and Why Millennials Will Help You Succeed
Do you ever possess the ability to understand generations that think differently than you? To help you understand the approach, drive and integrity of millennials in today's workforce, Jimmy interviews two outstanding and talented women who have made and will continue to change the world. Episode Keys The challenges millennials face from preconceived ideas of performance, capability and dedication to their careersHow to empower a…
Episode 89: Using History to Create Your Bigger Future
Do you ever think about your past impacting your future? In this episode Jimmy interviews Lindsay Graham, podcast producer and voice talent for Wondery's American Elections: Wicked Game and other award-winning podcasts, to learn strategies of implementing history in a manner that helps you create your future. Lindsay Graham Episode Keys Why you must understand history to create your future without making the same mistakes…
Episode 88: The Importance of Coaching and Being Unique
Do you ever wonder why certain individuals make life look effortless and successful while you drudge along? In this episode, Jimmy interviews Matt Halloran of Top Advisor Marketing to share the importance of coaching in the development of your full potential. Matt Halloran Episode Keys Why you need a coach to become your best self.What areas of life a coach may help you improve.How to…
Episode 87: Being Thankful All Year Long
This has been a very different year for most of us. Perhaps you are facing challenges far beyond your normal boundaries of life. In this episode, Jimmy and co-host Lori Few share strategies and approaches to maintaining your thankfulness mindset even when the world is spinning out of control. Episode Keys The physical and neurological outcomes of a grateful person such as self-control which leads…

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