Timing is Everything

Time is the one facet we humans can’t command in life. You may attempt to manage it, schedule it or even slow it down but you can never make time work to your will and wishes. In that similar regard, the Internal Revenue Code, which is the law guiding the assessment, reporting and payment of various types of taxes in the United States, works in a similar manner when it comes to retirement contributions to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA).

The law allows an individual with earned income, and meets other criteria, to contribute to an IRA annually. However, there is no ability by the taxpayer to stretch the period for contributions beyond the original due date of their individual income tax return. Typically, filers of Form 1040, the U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, are required to file their returns on or before April 15 of each year. This year is an exception because of Good Friday being April 15 and returns are due on April 18.

An additional three days is granted to those wishing to contribute to their IRA and claim a tax deduction for 2021. This timing of the contribution applies to Roth IRA and Health Savings Account contributors as well.

One of the greatest benefits of contributing to your retirement in this manner is that the IRS helps you make the payment by reducing your tax liability by the amount contributed. The maximum contribution amount for 2021 is $6,000 unless you are age 50 or older which grants you an additional $1,000 “catch up” contribution for a total of $7,000. Keep in mind that this is an individual contribution limit. A married couple filing a joint return may be entitled to a $14,000 tax deduction if both qualify for IRA contributions. This is significant savings for most filers.

If you are self-employed, more good news for your contribution timing to another type of IRA called a Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account (SEP-IRA). The contribution timing of this particular type of plan is allowed until the filing of your return, which may include extensions of time to file. For example, an individual may extend the time for filing, not delaying the payment of tax, of her return for 2021 until October 17, 2022. These additional months to file your return may allow the accumulation of funds to maximize your contribution, and resulting deduction, for 2021 retirement purposes.

This type of IRA allows a much greater deduction than a Traditional IRA. Based on your net self-employment income, reduced by a portion of your FICA and Medicare to be assessed on such income, you may contribute up to $58,000 for 2021 and deduct it against your income. This sounds like a circular equation but it is a very valuable deduction and may apply to those that have self-employment income.

The tax deadline is fast approaching! Seek out the advice of a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional to help you maximize your tax savings. My philosophy has always been “it is better to pay yourself first”. By contributing to your IRA consistently over a period of years, you will gain confidence for your future success in retirement and save significant taxes along the way. Now, go smell the roses and place a smile on your face!

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It seems as though a “Help Wanted” sign is hanging in the window of every other place of business these days. I hear the phrase, “nobody wants to work,” a lot as well. On the other hand, I also hear the phrase, “there are no good jobs available.” Did you catch the keyword? “Good jobs.” So, what exactly does that mean? These days, a good job can be defined as a lot of things. A job with lots of benefits like health care and retirement, a job with a reasonable, livable wage, a job that has added bonuses and perks, or one of the most desirable qualities a job could offer today…remote working.

As we all know, the era we are currently living through has changed the way a lot of things are done. In March 2020 millions of people across the country were sent home for two weeks in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As two weeks came to a close, many of those millions were ordered to remain at home indefinitely and work remotely. As the months went by many employers, especially larger corporations, started noticing a difference in certain things such as higher productivity and lower balances due on bills. They came to realize that the jobs they needed done could be done away from the traditional office setting and could save them money in the long run. This also allowed them to expand their teams and hire people all over the nation rather than only relying on talent in their local area, thus increasing the open positions in the job market. 

A recent survey conducted by Pew Research maps out the massive shift we are noticing in the job market and workforce as work-from-home jobs become more widely available. Stating that prior to the pandemic about 23% of people were already working from home. Now, two years later, nearly 60% of people who have the option to work from home are doing so. As the pandemic has evolved so have their reasons for staying home. At first a vast majority (64%) worked from home because their offices were not open while only 36% chose to work from home. This has now flipped and 61% are choosing to work from home and 38% are home because of office closures. 

Working from home can be appealing for a number of reasons. For some it may mean less distractions resulting in better productivity. You don’t have to worry about traffic and commuting, you can stay home with children if needed, you can accomplish passive household chores such as laundry, you don’t have to take time off to wait for a delivery or for pest control, you can work in the comfort of your favorite sweatpants, the list goes on. After we all got a taste of what it could be like it turned into something that a lot of people worked towards. There are plenty of jobs that cannot allow teleworking, and I am confident that as we progress through the pandemic and things start to get to the new normal those jobs will be filled. 

There are a lot of jobs available right now, but that doesn’t mean no one wants to work. So where is everyone? Why is no one pounding the pavement and turning in applications to these business with a help wanted sign on the window? Because they are sitting at home with their company issued laptops, working off a VPN (virtual private network) with their high-speed internet provided by their employer, whom they may or may not have ever met face-to-face. People have been working from home for years, but because of this shift, it is becoming more noticeable. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that teleworking isn’t the only thing keeping people from working in the public, there are a lot of other things that could be changed to make those jobs more appealing too. Millennials and Gen Z are known to be a force for change and I think this is no different when applied to the workforce. I believe we will continue to see this shift further along with a lot of other changes as the two generations become the majority of the workforce. 

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Prudent Steps to a Secure Future

Our world is experiencing disruption on a global basis. War in Ukraine, inflation at a 40 year high, gasoline prices reflect the 70s, and continued impact of a rampant virus. Have you had enough? Yes, me too. However, my father taught me that words are cheap and action is riches. This was his statement to, “quit griping and start working” to achieve better results.

The people of Ukraine are suffering in ways that U.S. citizens cannot relate. All of us can sleep tonight in a warm bed, eat a nice dinner and drink water that is potable. Medical care is available and jobs are plentiful. Why I am stating the obvious? To provide you some perspective. Life is good in the United States even in the midst of all this disruption.

When experiencing moments of potential recession, it is critical that you review your future plans to determine if small adjustments are needed. It is important that we understand the current economic environment will pass (no, I don’t know when) and life as we know it will return for us. The resilience of our republic continues to amaze me.

The following steps should be considered to provide your family a more secure future. First, review your cash flow spending and determine the priority of these items. Do you actually need a new laptop or is it a want? Is a new car needed or do you simply want one? Also, remember it is better policy to make sound financial decisions based on your current cash flow, savings and needs rather than surrendering to the fancy marketing of the gadgets that make us more comfortable.

Next, reduce debt balance to zero as quickly as possible. The purpose of this is to relieve the pressure on your family’s budget. Any credit card balances should be paid monthly to eliminate the potential cost of credit through high interest rates. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is recommending, next week, a 0.25% increases in the discount rate to be implemented for purposes of slowing the rampant inflation rate in the U.S. Additional rate increases are anticipated through 2022.

Another step is to review your portfolio to determine your true risk inherent in the underlying positions you own. In the past 12 years, the U.S. markets have rewarded equity investors. In the current market contraction, it would be advisable to review your positions for possible gains to protect the overall balance in the account. I am not suggesting market timing. However, I am recommending that you determine a price you would wish to reach before selling your investment positions. For example, lets assume we buy AstroWorld common stock, a fictitious company, for $35.00 per share and set a price of $70.00 at which we would sell the position. One of the greatest investors in history was a man named Peter Lynch. As the manager of the Magellan Fund of Fidelity Investments, his fundamental approach to investing was to perform the same process on each position he bought in the fund. If it was a good approach for him and the fund he managed, perhaps it may be good for your family.

Lastly, keep calm during market correction periods. Panicking only increases the probability that you will make poor decisions that could harm your family’s future for many years. By thinking about your financial decisions with a cool head, the likelihood of taking advantage of market declines allows you to “buy low and sell high”. 

Of course, these steps will not ensure great returns or eliminate risk of loss. However, you will give your family and you the best chance to attain your retirement goals and security for the future.

One of the best methods of gaining confidence that your family’s finances are on the right track is to seek a complimentary “financial checkup” from a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional. Your investments, like your body, may suffer if proper attention is not given. See you on the jogging trail!

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Buy or Sell?

Life has a way of keeping things interesting. After a long cycle of bull returns, the time for profit-taking has arrived. This is the process of capturing the gains in the investments that have performed well. I will explore some of the factors that are currently active in the economy, the markets and what you can do to maximize your family’s best interest.

The overall economy is improving in the United States. When I state that comment I sort of cringe thinking about the impact that is being felt by the families of our country. Inflation has reached a 40-year high at 7.5% according to tradingeconomics.com. Some of the factors leading to this excessive rate are labor shortages, soaring energy costs and supply chain disruptions. Based on a review of ktvz.com, March and April, 1980, inflation had risen to an unprecedented peace time level of 14.6%. Acknowledging that this rate is extremely high by today’s standards, the highest inflation factor in the United States was experienced in 1778 at 29.78% (Investopedia.com). 

Improvements in market controls, inventory production, delivery methods and banking policies contributed to maintaining a more reasonable inflation experience for many decades. It is not unusual for the people of the United States to be subjected to a 2% – 3% inflation rate in our overall economy. However, in our modern world where we rely on transportation and housing that must be heated and cooled with natural gas or electricity, an inflation rate above 4% begins to reflect on people’s lifestyles.

The unemployment rate is at historic lows for our country. This rate often touted by politicians to show their outstanding work on the economy is misunderstood by the mass of Americans. To properly understand the application of the rate to the economy, you must consider that underemployed and those individuals not actively looking for work are not considered in developing the rate. For those individuals seeking employment, there are currently more job opportunities than workers to fill them. This is a big plus for our economy. During times of high demand for skilled workers the hourly wage rises. It is simple economics – supply and demand. When demand for something (or someone) rises and the supply (people looking for work) is static or lower, the price for labor will be higher. 

Rising wages are good for workers until they realize the costs of goods rise along with them. Companies will increase prices on goods to cover the increased cost of labor while maintaining the profit margin necessary to continue operations.

Another factor affecting the economy is the supply chain disruption. Goods that are manufactured outside the United States must be imported for sale by businesses to the public. Recently, the shelves of some of the largest retailers have been limited or out of products demanded by the public for their functions in life. Don’t get me started about the “Toilet Paper Run of 2020”. There was plenty of the product for the current needs of people in our country. However, a rumor on social media stoking the fears of people caused a panic to buy greater quantities of toilet tissue. Some of the memes on social media were hilarious! At one point it appeared that toilet tissue would become the currency of choice due to the high value it held in the public’s mind.

All these factors create economic conditions of expansion or, more recently, contraction in the economy. People are subjected to many emotions in life. However, in my 34-year career, I have discovered two emotions that are most prominent when it comes to financial decisions about a person’s retirement and investment accounts – fear and greed. Memory fades quickly from the very positive returns of only a few months earlier when a market correction appears. People who have enjoyed almost 14 years of positive returns in their portfolios are suddenly stricken with the fact that markets can (and often do) go down.

Recently, I asked a client if she would sell her home if it went down in value. The look on her face was as if I had asked her to donate a kidney! Her response was “that is a long-term asset and has tremendous value to me”. I then asked the simple question, “Your retirement account is your lifetime asset. Why do you want to sell it when it is down?” She simply stated, “You are right.” The stock market is the only investment I am aware that people buy when its high and sell when its low. This is the opposite to increasing your overall lifetime return and cash flow.

Buy or sell? Each person must deal with their fear or greed. By remaining calm when others are frantic and scared, you will be rewarded with greater opportunity for growth over a lifetime. Make certain your risk tolerance is properly reflected in a diversified portfolio and your cash reserves will accommodate 90 – 120 days of living expenses. This correction will pass.

Your lifetime of financial security for your family is no laughing matter. To alleviate the stress from worrying about your finances, seek out a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional to help you build confidence in your future so you can laugh all the way to retirement and beyond.

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