How Do You Define Risk?

Danger! Danger! Red flashing lights! Sirens breaking through the still night awakening you from a deep sleep! These are simple, yet effective, methods of alerting you to risks that arise in life. Don’t you wish investment risk were that simple to alert you when you are about to face an inanimate action that has the power to destroy your life savings?

We accept certain risks in life everyday. Once you leave the safety of your bed, you may be subject to risk. Let’s focus on one type of risk – financial risk. You can control the level of risk in your financial life by taking prudent steps to minimize risk when possible. For example, if you are 80 years of age, it may be too risky to invest in a new tech startup with 50% of your retirement portfolio. If you were 24 years of age, this may be viewed more as an opportunity.

As specialists in retirement planning, we believe it is critical to properly measure and mitigate risk when possible. Many of our clients come to us with portfolios that are highly illiquid or invested in a manner that is not in their best interest. When we ask questions pertaining to their acceptable level of risk, the client will generally be moderate or conservative in their approach to investing their hard-earned money.

However, after a careful analytical analysis of their portfolio we inform them of their current investment risk level and their eyes pop open like they are watching a scene from a horror movie. To mitigate the risk, we believe several factors must be considered in their portfolio design:

  1. Consider liquidity needs
  2. Research suitable and appropriate types of investment positions
  3. Determine the tax-effect of the proposed investments
  4. Properly diversify the portfolio to control the level of risk acceptable by the client.

Simply investing the portfolio in its initial allocation does not resolve the client’s risk issues. Proper monitoring of the performance and appropriate rebalancing of the asset allocation to its original target are critical to maintaining the client’s risk level in the portfolio. The financial planning required for an advisor to fully understand the client’s long- and short-term needs and goals entails significant education, experience and knowledge of the economy.

Certified Financial Planner practitioners are professionals that maintain one of the highest credentials as a witness to their competency and ethics. Don’t risk your lifetime savings to risk. What you don’t know could truly ruin your future. Ask for a second opinion regarding your retirement portfolio. Better to find out early if there is a problem in your future.

Diversification and asset allocation strategies do not assure profit or protect against loss. Past performance is no guarantee or future results. Investing involves risk. Depending on the types of investments, there may be varying degrees of risk. Investors should be prepared to bear loass, including total loss of principal

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Living Life With Purpose

Planning for a major change in your life, such as retirement, requires a considerable amount of thought and planning. Up to this point in your life you have been contributing most of your energy, thoughts and resources to your chosen career. Your family has also played a big role in your day.

There are two important days in your life that should be given ample attention: the day you retire and the day you decide how you wish to spend the rest of your life! For many of our clients, the decision to change lifestyle from work focused to life focused is one that requires a tremendous amount of study. Can you play golf every day? Can you fish every day? How about simply sleeping in bed until noon each day?

Odds are that you are someone who needs a little more structure and the satisfaction that you are contributing to your community. Below are five strategies to help you continue to grow intellectually, spiritually and financially during retirement:

  1. Continue or start reading books. Many of the great minds of modern times attribute their knowledge, and continued growth past their active careers, to reading good books. The library has a great program for a cheap price – FREE! Yes, you can read some of the great classics by completing a library card application. What a great world we live in!
  2. Join a civic group. Man was meant to be active and provide charity to those less fortunate. Many communities have wonderful civic groups to help those in need. I am partial to the International Association of Lions Clubs. Helping others also helps you become a better person and it takes the focus of yourself.
  3. Attend the church or synagogue of your choice. Active participation and consistent attendance in spiritual worship creates a more fulfilling life. Many of our clients attend church every time the doors are opened. These individuals’ lives are more peaceful, tranquil and fulfilled due to the study of Holy Scriptures. 
  4. Become a mentor to younger professionals. One of my dearest friends serves as a mentor to younger professionals in his career field. His forty years of experience helps the younger generation of leaders make better decisions. He often tells me, “Just because you are not working for pay, doesn’t mean you quit working.” Wise words from a very wise gentleman.
  5. Keep a journal of your activities. For many years I have recorded life’s highs and lows in my journals. This activity gives my mind the opportunity to think clearly about challenges and develop solutions. Perhaps you could start a journal to leave your wise words to your family that will help them in times of need. This is a private book that you write in any manner you choose.

The key to living a successful life is to live it on your own terms. Define clearly what makes you happy. How can you help others find happiness? Don’t think of retirement as the end of a career, think of it as “reFIREment”- the start of another chapter in life.

One of my favorite roles is to help pre-retirees find their goals in the next phase of their life. If you truly want to live life to its fullest, it doesn’t simply take money. You are the secret ingredient! Go out today and change someone else’s life for the better. The one that receives the most benefit may just be you.

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